Monday, February 23, 2015

Oracle introduces API Manager!

Oracle has introduced a new product; API Manager (you can find the official documentation here). API Manager is an important addition to the already impressive Oracle SOA stack. In this article I'll explain what this new product does and how it helps in managing your API's. I will focus on the features and benefits you can have of this product and will also elaborate a little about my current experiences with it.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sonatype Nexus: Retrieving artifacts using the REST API or Apache Ivy

Sonatype Nexus is an often used artifact repository. In a previous blog post I have shown an example how Maven can be used to assemble and release artifacts to Nexus. In this blog post I will describe two ways how artifacts can be fetched from the Nexus repository; by using the REST API and by using Apache Ivy.