Friday, May 22, 2020

OpenEBS: Create persistent storage in your Charmed Kubernetes cluster

I previously wrote a blog about using StorageOS as persistent storage solution for Kubernetes here. StorageOS is dependent on etcd. I was having difficulties getting etcd up again after a reboot. Since I wanted to get a storage solution working quickly and not focus too much on external dependencies so I decided to give OpenEBS a try. In this blog I'll describe a developer installation on Charmed Kubernetes (the environment described here). I used openebs-jiva-default as storage class. This is unsuitable for production scenario's. OpenEBS also provides cStor. Most of the development effort goes there. cStor however requires a mounted block device. I have not tried this yet in my environment.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

StorageOS: Create persistent storage in your Charmed Kubernetes cluster

If you want to experiment with a multi node Kubernetes cluster locally as a developer, you need a distributed persistent storage solution to approximate real production scenario's. StorageOS is one of those solutions. In this blog I describe a developer installation StorageOS. For production scenario's check out the best practices mentioned on the StorageOS site.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Charmed Kubernetes on KVM using MAAS and juju

Coming to this solution was a journey. I was looking for a Kubernetes installation which was easy to deploy and cleanup on my own laptop (I didn't want to have to pay for a hosted solution). I did want a solution which was more or less production like because I wanted to be able to play with storage solutions and deal with cluster challenges / loadbalancers. Things I couldn't do easily on environments like Minikube and Microk8s. Also, since I was running on a single piece of hardware, I needed a virtualization technology. Each one of them comes with their own challenges. On some of them it is difficult to get storage solutions to work, for example LXC/LXD (an alternative to Docker). Some of them come with networking challenges like Hyper-V and some of them just don't perform well like VirtualBox. I also needed a solution to provide some form of automation to create/destroy/access my virtual environments. A long list of requirements and this is what I ended up with. A production-like environment which is quick to create, destroy or reset, running on my laptop with easy management tools.