Wednesday, August 23, 2017

R and the Oracle database: Using dplyr / dbplyr with ROracle in Windows 10

R uses data extensively. Data often resides in a database. In this blog I will describe installing and using dplyr, dbplyr and ROracle on Windows 10 to access data from an Oracle database and use it in R.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Oracle Mobile Cloud Service integration options

Oracle Mobile Cloud Service has a lot of options which allows it to integrate with other services and systems. Since it runs JavaScript on Node.js for custom APIs, it is very flexible.

Some features allow it to extent its own functionality such as the Firebase configuration option to send notifications to mobile devices, while for example the connectors allow wizard driven integration with other systems. The custom API functionality running on a recent Node.js version ties it all together. In this blog article I'll provide a quick overview and some background of the integration options of MCS.

MCS is very well documented here and there are many YouTube video's available explaining/demonstrating various MCS features here. So if you want to know more, I suggest looking at those.