Sunday, March 28, 2021

GitHub Actions: A first impression

I'm a regular user of GitHub. Recently I discovered GitHub also has a build-in CI/CD workflow solution called GitHub Actions. Curious about how this would work I decided to try it out. I had previously build a Jenkins Pipeline to perform several static and dynamic application security tests on a Java project and decided to try and rebuild this pipeline using GitHub Actions. This blog described my first experiences and impressions.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

OWASP ZAP: A quick introduction

OWASP ZAP or Zed Attack Proxy is an open source dynamic application security testing (DAST) tool. It is available here and has a website with documentation here. I recently encountered it when looking for open source security test tools to embed in a CI/CD pipeline (here). I was surprised by how versatile this tool is. In this blog post I'll summarize several ways how you can use it. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Java Security: Open Source tools for use in CI/CD pipelines

It is often expected of a DevOps team to also take security into consideration when delivering software. Often however, this does not get the attention it deserves. In this blog post I'll describe some easy to use, CI/CD pipeline friendly, open source tools you can use to perform several checks during your Java software delivery process which will help you identify and fix issues with minimal effort.

You can view my sample project here which implements all these tools. There is also a docker-compose.yml file supplied. SonarQube en Jenkins however do not come preconfigured in this setup. You can look at the Jenkinsfile (pipeline definition) to see what Jenkins configuration is required (installing plugins and creating credentials). 

This is provided as an overview and small example only. It is not meant as a walkthrough to setup a CI/CD environment or a manual how to use the different tools. Also the mentioned tools are not all the tools which are available but a set of tools which are freely available, popular and which I managed to get working without too much effort. Using them together allows you to improve the security of your Java applications during your software delivery process and provide quick feedback to developers. This can also help increase security awareness. When you have some experience with these tools you can implement more strict policies (which can let a build fail) and quality gates.