Thursday, October 15, 2020

Jenkins Pipeline: SonarQube and OWASP Dependency-Check

The OWASP top 10 has listed the following vulnerability for several years (at least in 2013 and 2017): using components with known vulnerabilities. But software nowadays can be quite complex consisting of many dependencies. How do you know the components and versions of those components do not contain known vulnerabilities? Luckily the OWASP foundation has also provided a dependency-check tool with plugins for various languages to make detecting this more easy. In this blog post I'll show how you can incorporate this in a Jenkins pipeline running on Kubernetes and using Jenkens and SonarQube to display the results of the scan.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Surprisingly easy: Container vulnerability scanning in a Jenkins pipeline running on Kubernetes using Anchore Engine

Anchore Engine is a popular open source tool for container image inspection and vulnerability scanning. It is easily integrated in a Kubernetes environment as an admission controller or in a Jenkins build pipeline using a plugin. A while ago I took a look at Anchore Engine and created a small introductory presentation and Katacoda scenario for it. The Katacoda scenario allows you to try out Anchore Engine without having to setup your own container environment. In this blog I'll go a step further and illustrate how you can incorporate an Anchore Engine container scan inside your Java build pipeline which I illustrated here. Anchore Engine is deployed to Kubernetes, configured in Jenkins (which also runs on Kubernetes) and incorporated in a Jenkins Pipeline during a build process. Only if the container has been deemed secure by the configured Anchore Engine policy, is it allowed to be deployed to Kubernetes. I will also show how to update policies using the CLI.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Kubernetes: Building and deploying a Java service with Jenkins

Kubernetes has become the de facto container orchestration platform to run applications on. Java applications are no exception to this. When using a PaaS provider to give you a hosted Kubernetes, sometimes that provider also provides a CI/CD solution. However this is not always the case. When hosting Kubernetes yourself, you also need to implement a CI/CD solution.

Jenkins is a popular tool to use when implementing CI/CD solutions. Jenkins can also run quite easily in a Kubernetes environment. When you have Jenkins installed, you need to have a Git repository to deploy your code from, a Jenkins pipeline definition, tools to wrap your Java application in a container, a container registry to deploy your container to and some files to describe how the container should be deployed and run on Kubernetes. In this blog post I'll describe a simple end-to-end solution to deploy a Java service to Kubernetes. This is a minimal example so there is much room for improvement. It is meant to get you started quickly.

Friday, July 31, 2020

OpenEBS: cStor storage engine on KVM

OpenEBS provides a Kubernetes native distributed storage solution which is friendly on developers and administrators. It is completely open source and part of the CNCF. Previously I wrote about installing and using OpenEBS, Jiva storage engine, on the Charmed Kubernetes distribution of Canonical. The Jiva storage class uses storage inside managed pods. cStor however can use raw disks attached to Kubernetes nodes. Since I was trying out Kubespray (also a CNCF project) on KVM and it is relatively easy to attach raw storage to KVM nodes, I decided to give cStor a try. cStor (which uses ZFS behind the scenes) is also the more recent and more robust storage engine and suitable for more serious workloads. See here. You can download the scripts I used to setup my Kubernetes environment here.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Production ready Kubernetes on your laptop. Kubespray on KVM

There are various options to install a production-like Kubernetes distribution on your laptop. Previously I tried out using the Canonical stack (Juju, MAAS, Charmed Kubernetes) for this. This worked nicely but it gave me the feeling that it was a bit Canonical specific and with the recent discussions around Snaps and the Canonical Snap Store, I decided to take a look at another way to install Kubernetes on my laptop in such a way that it would approximate a production environment. Of course first I needed to get my virtual infrastructure ready (KVM hosts) before I could use Kubespray to deploy Kubernetes. My main inspirations for this were two blog posts here and here. Like with Charmed Kubernetes, the installed distribution is bare. It does not contain things like a private registry, distributed storage (read here) or load balancer (read here). You can find my scripts here (which are suitable for Ubuntu 20.04).

Monday, July 27, 2020

Scanning container images for vulnerabilities using Anchore Engine

Applications nowadays, are usually deployed inside containers. A container consists of libraries and tools which allow the application to run inside. Since there can be exploitable vulnerabilities, it is not only important to keep your application up to date but also the container it runs in. There are various tools available to scan container images for those vulnerabilities. Having little experience with them, but recognizing the importance of having such a tool, I decided to give Anchore Engine a try. Why? Because it appeared popular when looking for tools, it has an open source variant which I can appreciate and it was very easy to get started with. In addition, it provides several integration options which make using it easy, such as a Jenkins plugin and a Kubernetes Admission Controller.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

OBS Studio + Snap Camera: Putting yourself in your presentation live for free!

When giving online presentations, it helps for personal marketing if people can see you on the screen. Various tools provide features which help you achieve that, for example Microsoft Teams. Sometimes though you do not have that available or want to be able to do more than what the tool you are using provides. Using OBS Studio (free) with Snap Camera (free) or ChromaCam ($29.99 lifetime license) you can easily put yourself in your own presentations in such a way that it will work on almost any medium you would like to present on without having to invest in a green screen. Want to know how? Read on! 

Friday, May 22, 2020

OpenEBS: Create persistent storage in your Charmed Kubernetes cluster

I previously wrote a blog about using StorageOS as persistent storage solution for Kubernetes here. StorageOS is dependent on etcd. I was having difficulties getting etcd up again after a reboot. Since I wanted to get a storage solution working quickly and not focus too much on external dependencies so I decided to give OpenEBS a try. In this blog I'll describe a developer installation on Charmed Kubernetes (the environment described here). I used openebs-jiva-default as storage class. This is unsuitable for production scenario's. OpenEBS also provides cStor. Most of the development effort goes there. cStor however requires a mounted block device. I have not tried this yet in my environment.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

StorageOS: Create persistent storage in your Charmed Kubernetes cluster

If you want to experiment with a multi node Kubernetes cluster locally as a developer, you need a distributed persistent storage solution to approximate real production scenario's. StorageOS is one of those solutions. In this blog I describe a developer installation StorageOS. For production scenario's check out the best practices mentioned on the StorageOS site.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Charmed Kubernetes on KVM using MAAS and juju

Coming to this solution was a journey. I was looking for a Kubernetes installation which was easy to deploy and cleanup on my own laptop (I didn't want to have to pay for a hosted solution). I did want a solution which was more or less production like because I wanted to be able to play with storage solutions and deal with cluster challenges / loadbalancers. Things I couldn't do easily on environments like Minikube and Microk8s. Also, since I was running on a single piece of hardware, I needed a virtualization technology. Each one of them comes with their own challenges. On some of them it is difficult to get storage solutions to work, for example LXC/LXD (an alternative to Docker). Some of them come with networking challenges like Hyper-V and some of them just don't perform well like VirtualBox. I also needed a solution to provide some form of automation to create/destroy/access my virtual environments. A long list of requirements and this is what I ended up with. A production-like environment which is quick to create, destroy or reset, running on my laptop with easy management tools.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Quick and easy: A multi-node Kubernetes cluster on CentOS 7 + QEMU/KVM (libvirt)

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform. As a developer understanding the environment in which your application is going to run is important since this can help you use available services of the platform and fix issues.

There are several options to run Kubernetes locally to get some experience with Kubernetes as developer. For example Minikube, MicroK8s and MiniShift. These options however are not representative for a real environment. They for example usually do not have master and slave nodes. Running locally requires quite different configuration compared to running multiple nodes in VMs. Think for example about how to deal with storage and a container registry which you want to share over the different nodes. Installing a full blown environment requires a lot of work and resources. Using a cloud service usually is not free and you usually have less to no control over the environment Kubernetes is running in.

In this blog I'll describe a 'middle way'. Get an easy to manage small multi node Kubernetes environment running in different VMs. You can use this environment for example to learn what the challenges of clusters are and how to deal with them efficiently.

It uses the work done here with some minor additions to get a dashboard ready.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Spring: Blocking vs non-blocking: R2DBC vs JDBC and WebFlux vs Web MVC

Spring Framework version 5, released in Sept 2017, introduced Spring WebFlux. A fully reactive stack. In Dec 2019 Spring Data R2DBC, a reactive relational database driver was released. In this blog post I'll show that at high concurrency, WebFlux and R2DBC perform better. They have better response times and higher throughput. As additional benefits, they use less memory and CPU per request processed and when leaving out JPA in case of R2DBC, your fat JAR becomes a lot smaller. At high concurrency using WebFlux and R2DBC is a good idea!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The size of Docker images containing OpenJDK 11.0.6

When running Java applications in containers, you need to be careful with your resources. If you're not careful with layering your images (for example using Google's Jib), you can quickly get into disk-space issues, especially when your base image and/or application gets updated regularly. One of the ways you can save resources is by using small base images. In this blog post I determined the uncompressed size of several base images containing OpenJDK 11.0.6 which are available on Docker Hub.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Secure browsing using a local SOCKS proxy server (on desktop or mobile) and an always free OCI compute instance as SSH server

Oracle provides several services as 'always free'. In contrast to Azure and Amazon, these include compute instances which remain 'forever' free to use. Although there are some limitations on CPU, disk, network resources, these instances are ideal to use as a remote SSH server and with a little effort a connection target for a locally running SOCKS proxy server. When you configure a browser to use that SOCKS proxy, your web traffic will be send through a secure channel (SSH tunnel) towards the OCI instance and the OCI instance will appear as your browsers client IP for remote sites you visit.

An SSH server in combination with a locally running SOCKS proxy server allows you to browse the internet more securely from for example public Wifi hotspots by routing your internet traffic through a secure channel via a remote server. If you combine this with DNS over HTTPS, which is currently at least available in Firefox and Chrome, it will be more difficult for other parties to analyse your traffic. Also it allows you to access resources from a server outside of a company network which can have benefits for example if you want to check how a company hosted service looks to a customer from the outside. Having a server in a different country as a proxy can also have benefits if certain services are only available from a certain country (a similar benefit as using a VPN or using Tor) or as a means to circumvent censorship.

Do check what is allowed in your company, by your ISP and is legal within your country before using such techniques though. I of course don't want you to do anything illegal and blame me for it ;)

Saturday, February 1, 2020

HTTP benchmarking using wrk. Parsing output to CSV or JSON using Python

wrk is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool. Using a simple CLI interface you can put simple load on HTTP services and determine latency, response times and the number of successfully processed requests. It has a LuaJIT scripting interface which provides extensibility. A distinguishing feature of wrk compared to for example ab (Apache Bench) is that it requires far less CPU at higher concurrency (it uses threads very efficiently). It does have less CLI features when compared to ab. You need to do scripting to achieve specific functionality. Also you need to compile wrk for yourself since no binaries are provided, which might be a barrier to people who are not used to compiling code.

Parsing the wrk output is a challenge. It would be nice to have a feature to output the results in the same units as CSV or JSON file. More people asked this question and the answer was: do some LuaJIT scripting to achieve that. Since I'm no Lua expert and to be honest, I don't have any people in my vicinity that are, I decided to parse the output using Python (my favorite language for data processing and visualization) and provide you with the code so you don't have to repeat this exercise.

You can see example Python code of this here.   

Thursday, January 2, 2020

pgAdmin in Docker: Provisioning connections and passwords

pgAdmin is a popular open source and feature rich administration and development platform for PostgreSQL. When provisioning Postgres database environments using containers, it is not unusual to also provision a pgAdmin container.

The pgAdmin image provided on Docker Hub does not contain any server connection details. When your pgAdmin container changes regularly (think about changes to database connection details and keeping pgAdmin up to date), you might not want to enter the connections and passwords manually every time. This is especially true if you use a single pgAdmin instance to connect to many databases. A manual step also prevents a fully automated build process for the pgAdmin container.

You can export/import connection information, but you cannot export passwords. It is a bother, especially in development environments where the security aspect is less important, to lookup passwords every time you need them. How to fix this and make your life a little bit easier?

In this blog I'll show how to create a simple script to automate creating connections and supply password information so the pgAdmin instance is ready for use when you login to the console for the first time! This consists of provisioning the connections and provisioning the password files. You can find the files here.